2nd Sunday of Easter – April 19, 2020
Daily papers and Television report: ‘A Lonely Easter for the first time in Historic Church’.’ Lock-down taking toll on our nation’ ‘Pandemic could push half a billion into poverty’ Covid-19. Social distancing – Places of Worship – closed and ‘Stay at Home.’ Live-streaming our Easter-Ceremonies kept us in contact with our parishioners – these coming weeks, live –streaming will continue 9.30am Sundays
As your Parish priest, I phoned many parishioners daily, assuring them of our prayers, that they are not alone. In fact, for some of them, I’m sorry to say, this has been my first contact with them in my five years with you in Cathedral Parish Sale. Their reactions of appreciation to think ‘we are still on the list and have not been forgotten.’ They have been so wanting for ongoing contact – ‘God is Good, God is good all the time!’ Remember – the gift of compassion in within all of us!
When we step out in faith, when we put our trust in God, it is amazing what God re-ignites in and through us. Today’s Gospel 2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy – Sunday) John 20: 19-31. Our call is to hear anew Jesus’ words to his disciples, (they too were in self-isolation for fear of their lives) ‘Peace be with you’. Jesus showed them his hands and his side – The disciple’s response: filled with joy! God’s mercy and compassion refreshes and heals them.
Through the many trials we face in our lives and now through Covid-19 with serious restrictions placed upon us – the loss of jobs, closure of our schools-home schooling, closer of our Houses of Worship, especially during – Holy Week – made easier through live-streaming our services. Our freedom curtailed by the ‘Stay at Home’ call. – We rejoice the vast majority have contributed to each other’s safety and good health – by putting our faith in our leaders, Federal, State and Local.
Today’s Gospel asks us to turn to the doubting Thomas that is within – ‘unless I touch his side and put my hands into his side, touch his hands and put my hand into his hands – I refuse to believe.’ We are to see more than ever that God’s fragmented family is being reunited.
Suddenly the power of example came home to me. (Through a simple phone call) – we create a current that makes it easier for one another to belong and to strengthen the house of God. When faith may be weak – allow ourselves to be carried. Next week our faith may be strong then let us help to carry someone else – we need support we need to live as members of a community of believers whose common faith strengthens the faith of each individual – by listening and learning from one another.
‘Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.’
Love and prayers to one and all:
Dean Peter