The Nativity of St John the Baptist

OUT OF CONTROL In the Bible the sea, the wind and the storm are seen as forces of evil and chaos which only God can control. But the storm can also stand for the trials and tribulations which the righteous suffer, and from which only the power of God can save them. As Jesus and … [Read more…]

Healing Mass

A Healing Mass will be held this Sunday, 17 June in St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale commencing at 12pm. A Catholic healing mass is a special celebration of the mass that aims at helping people find healing in whatever areas they may require it.Although according to the Catholic Church the mass itself has certain healing properties, … [Read more…]


God our loving Father, we give you thanks and praise for our Cathedral Parish of Sale, for your people and your Creation. Nourish us by your daily Word and Eucharist. Enrich us in our faith, hope and love. Strengthen us with the spirit of your mercy and grace. Make us grateful for your gifts as … [Read more…]


The good Shepherd – 22nd April 2018 Today is Good Shepherd Sunday. It is a great image to have of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Jesus himself says, ‘The Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.’ Deep within our hearts we pray: Lord Jesus, with you as our shepherd, we shall want for nothing. … [Read more…]


8th APRIL, 2018. We tend to think that believing was easier for those who saw Jesus than it is for us. This is a mistake. The Gospels show there are many people who saw Jesus and yet didn’t believe in him. Seeing is not necessarily believing. The act of faith involves a decision to believe. … [Read more…]


April 1, 2018 In 1564 Michelangelo made the following remarks to his fellow painters: “ Why do you keep filling gallery after gallery with endless pictures of the one ever-reiterated theme of Christ in weakness, of Christ on the cross, Christ dying. Christ hanging dead? Why do you stop there as if the curtain closed upon that horror? … [Read more…]


24 – 25 March 2018 Attitude to Suffering There is little point in being sentimental about suffering. Suffering could destroy us. W.B. Yeats says, ‘Too long a sacrifice can make a stone of the heart.’ Suffering could take control of our lives with the result that we become perpetual victims. But suffering can benefit us. … [Read more…]


THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 4, 2018 Once there was a very sincere man who wished to live a holy life. So he went to the Rabbi for advice. The rabbi congratulated him on his desire, then asked, ‘How have you been faring so far?’ ‘Quiet well, I think,’ the man answered. When you say … [Read more…]


FEBRUARY 14, 2018 We welcome the Catholic Bishop’s of Australia’s invitation for the Catholic Community at the beginning of Lent – to enter into Days of fasting and reparation in sorrow for child sexual abuse. Please take to heart the importance of these days in preparing the Church to respond to the recommendations of the … [Read more…]


Jesus was constantly surrounded by needy people. This weekend’s Gospel is a good example. You will note that after preaching in the Synagogue where he also cured a sick person, he retired to Peters house for refreshments. But, he didn’t get much peace there either. Peter’s mother-in-law was sick – he attended to her. It … [Read more…]