The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)
Year A
“I am the bread from heaven! Everyone who eats it will live forever”.
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Something to Think About
This special day in the Church year is a time to remember the great gift of Eucharist in our lives.
The bread which is broken and shared for us at Mass is a sign of our unity.
The word Eucharist means ‘thanksgiving’. Let us give thanks today for Jesus who remains with us always. What would you like to thank Jesus for today?
The Story
In this story from John’s gospel, Jesus says that whoever eats this ‘bread from heaven’ will last forever. This is a way of saying that people need God to live, not just physical food and material goods, though they are very important.
The Scriptures
A reading from the holy gospel according to John 6:51-58
Jesus said to the crowd:
“I am the bread from heaven!
Everyone who eats it will live forever.
The bread that comes down from heaven
is not like what your ancestors ate.
They died, but whoever eats this bread will live forever.”
The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Family Discussion
In the gospel story, Jesus refers to himself as ‘bread from heaven’. Bread is a symbol of nourishment.
Talk about the image of nourishing and ‘feeding’. Many people ‘feed’ us in different ways. Some people provide for our physical needs.
Others teach us important things. Some people help us grow through friendship.
Chat about the ways in which we are ‘fed’ and the people who ‘feed’ us.
Family Activity
This week be a family that nourishes and ‘feeds’ each other and the people you meet during the week through prayer, words and actions.
Try praying together at bedtime; trying to always use words that are loving and kind; giving to and helping others; caring for our environment.