HOLY WEEK: April 5 – 12, 2020 Dear Parishioners allI sit here thinking of you, praying for you, wishing I could speak to you personally, hear your stories, your concerns, your fears. Whilst the Corona-virus has put us into shut-down the call to STAY-AT-HOME, rings in our ears. Staying at home hasn’t stopped me wanting … [Read more…]

St Therese of Lisieux

As you are aware, the Pilgrimage of the Relics of St Therese of Lisieux and her parents, St Louis and Zelie Martin has been put on hold and the scheduled dates for Diocese of Sale in April have been cancelled. But there is exciting news!The relics of St Therese of Lisieux and her parents – … [Read more…]


Palm Sunday : April 5 – Passion of the Lord. I remember a special four months I had in the Holy Land being especially privileged to be there through Holy Week – where with people from many nations processing we sang Hosanna waving Palms as we entered the old city of Jerusalem –  Yes it … [Read more…]

Messages from St Mary’s

Fr Peter’s letter to the Parishoners of St Mary’s Cathedral Sale Dear Parishioner It is so hard to come to grips with how difficult a time we are in. Who would ever have thought the need to close churches throughout the land and in particular our own St Mary’s Cathedral Sale. Whilst accepting the Governments … [Read more…]

COVID-19 Restrictions

The Bishops of the Province of Victoria have given this prayerful and considered reflection, and have determined the following actions: • Immediate suspension of public liturgies, celebrations of the Mass, until further notice. • All other gatherings are suspended. For clarification of any concerns, please contact your local diocesan authority. For further information, please read … [Read more…]